Please read these rules and discuss them with your project leader and your parents.
The rules will be enforced.

  1. New in 2025: All 4-H and FFA exhibits must have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health Certificate) to be eligible to show. This Health Certificate must have been written within 30 days of exhibition. All cattle, swine, sheep, and goats must also be identified by either an ear tag, electronic implant or tattoo. This new rule comes from the Missouri State Fair and will effect open classes in 2025.
  2. If an animal loses their ID tag, call the species Superintendent to let them know.  You will also need to send a picture of the animal and the tag number…all 15 digits, to the Superintendent.  The vet will retag your animal when you go in for the county health papers.  The old tag number will be crossed out when the new tag is put in.  THEN, YOU MUST NOTIFY THE EXTENTION OFFICE, with-in a week, of this transaction.  The Secretary will need the name of the exhibitor, species and gender of animal, original tag number, and replacement number.  Health papers will be presented to the species Superintendent when the animal goes across the scales at fair weigh-in.
  3. These rules govern all events and participants of the Howard County Livestock Show. In the absence of a specific rule, state fair rules will apply.
  4. IN ORDER TO SHOW AND PARTICIPATE: ALL LIVESTOCK EXHIBITORS  MUST BE SMQA CERTIFIED AND REGISTRATION FORMS MUST BE TURNED INTO THE HOWARD COUNTY EXTENSION CENTER BY May 10, 2025.  Late entries must be turned in by May 31st with a $25 late fee per child. Late entries from June 1st until Wednesday before the fair set-up will have a $50 per child. NO ENTRIES will be accepted after the Wednesday before the fair starts.
  5. All entries are made with the distinct understanding that in no event will fair officials or any individual or groups of individuals connected with the fair be responsible for loss from any causes which might occur as a result of the fair. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS.
  7. Exhibitors must be a member, in good standing, of a Howard County 4-H or FFA club in order to participate in the Howard County Fair Show and Sale. The show is limited to animals covered in the project record. 4-H members must attend a minimum of 6 club meetings. FFA members must be in good standing according to their chapter’s rules.
  8. Time frame for the initial weigh-in will be the Friday before and the Monday after the set date. Exhibitors must accompany their animals to all weigh-ins. If you cannot make set date you must make arrangements with the Vet clinic for cattle and Livestock Superintendent for hogs, sheep, and goats.
  9. All market animals and breeding animals must weigh-in in the Spring to be eligible to sell.
  10. Each species…Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Goats…will have two divisions – Market Division and Breeding Division. You can sell an animal from one of the two divisions.  Hogs, Sheep, and Goats will show by weight in both divisions.  An animal can show in only one division.  Intact males, of any species, will not sell.  If you sell breeding stock it can only sell ONE time. Breeding stock must be weighed-in, at the initial weigh-in and meet the required weight gain, to be eligible for the livestock sale. No female in production is eligible to sell.  Only heifers, doelings, guilts, and ewe lambs are eligible.
  11. No Straw used for bedding; Chips are recommended. Stalls and pens must be kept clean at all times and cleaned before leaving after the sale.
  12. Exhibitor must accompany their animals to the show and care for them.  Immediate family members, another 4-H/FFA member, livestock committee member, or club leader may assist. In case of illness of the exhibitor, or when more than one animal is exhibited in a class, he/she may have the assistance of other 4-H or FFA members. All animals should be well-groomed and show evidence of being groomed well ahead of the show date. No one will be allowed in the show ring except exhibitors and ring officials.
  13. Any exhibit going through the sale must be shown by the exhibitor. In case of a family emergency (i.e.- death in the family), the livestock committee chairman must be notified immediately so approval on absence may be voted on. An emergency is defined as something unexpected 2 or 3 days prior to exhibiting. The exhibit can be deferred to the open show.
  14. Members may sell one of each species up to a total of 2 including 1 ham/bacon. Any Howard County 4H/FFA member showing species at other county shows/sales will be bound to the same number/species restrictions of the Howard County Fair. Only 1 of each species up to a total of 2 may be sold at all county fairs by Howard County 4H/FFA members.
  15. All animals, if they showed in the 4-H/FFA show, are required to stay in the barn until after the sale, even if they are not in the sale.
  16. All species will show by breed if at least 5 of a breed are declared, by State Fair standards, by May 10, of the current year.  If less than 5 are declared, they will show in the AOB class.
  17. Premium Sale – Sale entry is to be shown by exhibitor ONLY! If the exhibitor is not present, the entry will be moved to the bottom of the sale order. If still not present, the entry will not sell.
  18. Mistreatment of animals will not be tolerated.  You could forfeit your right to show/sell by doing so.
  19. All livestock must be in the custody of, or daily care of, the exhibitor from weigh-in until fair time to be eligible to show and sell.  Livestock to be kept in county or with immediate family member (Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, or Grandparent) in an adjoining county.
  20. There will be NO GLUE, NO ADHESIVE, or NO COLOR allowed at this show. Failure to follow these rules will result in disqualification. FITTERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GROOM. Exhibitor must groom their own animal. Immediate Family member (mother, father, brother, sister, legal guardian or grandparent only) or another Howard County 4-H or FFA exhibitor may assist.
  21. Home Raised is defined as any species whose dam is owned by the exhibitor or a member of the immediate family (father, mother, brother, sister, legal guardian or grandparent only) at the time of birth, and is born on the local property (Howard County or joining counties only) that is owned or managed by the immediate family of the exhibitor. The animal must be cared for from birth to exhibition on the local property. The dam does not have to be owned by the exhibitor/family at the time of breeding. Home raised must be declared at the spring weigh-in.
  22. Upon completion of the Howard County Premium Sale the exhibitor will maintain ownership of their animal(s). If a sale bidder (s) are interested in purchasing a an animal then that transaction will be solely between the exhibitor and the potential buyer. The Howard County Fair will in no way be a part of this transaction.
  23. No White ribbon exhibits sell!
  24. Each exhibitor will get one free gate pass at the fair clean-up, Thursday, June 19th.
  25. If there are any rules not addressed specifically, Fair Board will refer back to the Missouri State Fair rules.